The Crew was initially released in 2014. Based on an open-world map, the new racing franchise boasted many multiplayer elements on top of the traditional racing gameplay. The first game sold over two million copies and spawned a sequel and various expansions.
A brand new entry has already been confirmed for 2023. While talking about The Crew Motorfest, Creative Director Stephane Beley recently reminisced about the beginning of the driving series. He confirmed that over 40 million players had played The Crew.
15 years ago a group of friends dreamed of creating their own driving game. Ubisoft trusted them. Ivory gave birth to #TheCrew. 15 years later 40 million players have joined the adventure. Soon it will continues with The Crew MotorFest.Always believe in your dreams! Thank you all
— Stephane Beley (@__Fergus__) February 25, 2023
Unlike other racing games, The Crew franchise offers a ton of variety when it comes to vehicles.
While there is no shortage of cars, The Crew includes vehicles like planes, boats, and a Jet Ski. The Crew also introduced bikes through the Wild Run expansion, becoming one of the few racing games to offer such diversity.
This has likely captivated a wider audience, allowing the game to reach the impressive 40 million mark. In his tweet, Creative Director Stephane Beley also looked back on the developer’s earlier ambitions, a journey that started over a decade ago.
The Crew Motorfest builds on the foundation of the previous entries in Ubisoft’s racing game series. Ubisoft Ivory Tower uses the impressive Snowdrop engine to take the game to new heights.
This engine change should allow the studio to produce its most visually impressive game, with lifelike cars and nearly photorealistic environments.
With huge ambitions and a fresh new engine, The Crew Motorfest has the potential to be the most appealing entry in the franchise. Ubisoft has already confirmed that the big gaming plans will be heavily involved in E3 so fans can expect plenty of information on the racing game in the coming months.
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