The sequel to the massively successful Marvel’s Spider-Man was revealed at PlayStation Showcase in September 2021. Since then, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has become one of the most anticipated upcoming PlayStation 5 Exclusives for numerous reasons.
First, the developer working on the title, Insomniac Games, has mastered making engaging and visually appealing games on Spider-Man or Marvel characters. With successful and critically acclaimed games like Marvel’s Spider-Man and Miles Morales from the studio, it is only right that the fans are impatiently looking forward to their next game in the same genre.
As per the reports, Insomniac Games is working on two Marvel games; Wolverine and Spider-Man 2. Recently Insomniac Games reiterated that the Spider-Man’s sequel is still slated for a 2023 launch after the fans speculated a delay in the release but Insomniac Games was swift to inform that they are making great progress and the release window is unaffected.
However, other than a broad 2023 release window, no other solid or narrowed-down version of the launch has been revealed by the officials until now.
Jamie Mayer, one of the screenwriters working on both Marvel’s Wolverine and Spider-Man 2 with Insomniac Games, has mentioned on her website (now edited) that Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will be released in Fall 2023 while the release date for Wolverine is still to be decided as mentioned by her.
It is believable to some extent if we talk about previous Spider-Man games from the studio; Spider-Man was released in September 2018, while Miles Morales was released in November 2020, both around the fall season leading to the holidays. Still, the details of Spider-Man’s sequel are thin as the gameplay and other details are yet to be revealed.
For now, we only know that the game will be much darker, with Peter Parker and Miles Morales sharing the same screen against villains like Venom and Kraven the Hunter. As there is no official confirmation or statement from Insomniac Games regarding the game’s release date, it will be wise to take this news with a grain of salt.
We will keep you updated upon receiving any further information about Spider-Man 2. Until then, let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.
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