The Payday franchise is set to receive its latest installment soon. Previously, the series became popular for delivering fast-paced co-op FPS gameplay, and Payday 3 is expected to improve upon this foundation.
Recently, the developer revealed new gameplay and confirmed that the latest entry would release on September 21. The Payday 3 FAQ from Starbreeze has revealed additional information about the game, highlighting an interesting detail about the game engine.
According to the FAQ, Payday 3 will be updated to Unreal Engine 5 after release.
The game is currently based on Unreal Engine 4. This version of Unreal Engine was used when Payday 3 was in development, so the developer decided to stick with the older version till release.
However, Starbreeze confirms plans to update the game to Unreal Engine 5. The developer has not provided a rough release window for the update, but an engine upgrade could add even more excitement to the game.
Many games have begun to utilize Unreal Engine 5, and it is expected to deliver next-generation visuals. It includes new additions like Lumen and Nanite to deliver exceptional visuals.
Fortnite is among the first games to showcase the potential of this engine, and more games are expected to follow in the coming years.
Following the initial reveal, over 1 million Steam users have already added Payday 3 to their wishlist. This might be a sign of things to come, pointing at excellent sales figures for the upcoming release.
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