John Wick has become an iconic action movie franchise featuring the popular Keanu Reeves. While the series was already beloved and successful, the recent fourth entry took it to new heights.
The success has also encouraged Lionsgate to pursue a gaming adaptation, with the company discussing plans for a AAA John Wick game.
Why it matters: John Wick’s action-focused approach and popularity make it suitable for a gaming adaptation, and many have been asking for an adaptation for a while.
During a recent earnings call, Lionsgate President Joe Drake talked about the future plans for John Wick. When talking about a potential game, he said:
“Lionsgate is continuing to have those conversations.”
He stated that there is a ton of energy around a potential game and previously claimed that a big AAA game could be made for the IP.
The franchise is not a complete stranger to the gaming industry. Previously, the series received gaming adaptations like John Wick Hex. However, a big-budget title has not been made yet.
Popular film IPs like Harry Potter have recently found incredible success with games like Hogwarts Legacy. With enough care and a proper adaptation, John Wick could see similar success.
Moreover, John Wick’s lead, Keanu Reeves, has already become a part of the industry. The actor played Johnny Silverhand in Cyberpunk 2077 and became even more popular among a crowd already familiar with the actor from cinema.
A new game for the brutal character sounds exciting and full of interesting possibilities. With the right developer and accurate adaptation, fans could soon experience the over-the-top action sequences featured in the John Wick franchise in the world of gaming.
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